Applied Python for Data Science (TTPS4870)

This intermediate-level training program is specifically designed for Python Programmers, Data Scientists, and Data Engineers.
This intermediate-level training program is specifically designed for Python Programmers, Data Scientists, and Data Engineers.

More Information:

  • Modality: Virtual
  • Learning Style: Course
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Duration: 5 Days
  • Course Info: Download PDF
  • Certificate: See Sample

Course Information

About this course:

Geared for scientists and engineers with potentially light practical programming background or experience, Applied Python for Scientists and Engineers is a hands-on Python course that provides a ramp-up to using Python for scientific and mathematical computing. Students will explore basic Python scripting skills and concepts, and then move to the most important Python modules for working with data, from arrays, to statistics, to plotting results.

The average salary of a Python Data Scientist is $93,185 per year.

Course objective:

Working within in an engaging, hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert Python practitioner, attendees will learn to use Python to:

  • Create and run basic programs
  • Design and code modules and classes
  • Implement and run unit tests
  • Use benchmarks and profiling to speed up programs
  • Process XML and JSON
  • Manipulate arrays with numpy
  • Get a grasp of the diversity of subpackages that make up scipy
  • Use iPython notebooks for ad hoc calculations, plots, and what-if?
  • Manipulate images with PIL
  • Solve equations with sympy
  • Get introduced to advanced data science with Python including SciKit-Learn and PySpark


  • While there are no specific programming prerequisites, basic programming experience would be helpful.


  • Students should be comfortable working with files and folders, and should not be afraid of the command line. 

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